Redraw Your Path
Redraw Your Path
What Have You Learned? | Ep. 039
In this episode, Lynn reflects on the first successful year of Redraw Your Path. She expresses gratitude towards her listeners, discusses the lessons learned and the inspiration drawn from her guests, and invites listeners to share how the podcast has impacted them.
Lynn announces a temporary break for personal growth and creativity, with potential plans to return in 2025. She encourages listeners to continue finding and taking steps towards their own paths to joy and contentment.
Connect with Lynn:
- www.redrawyourpath.com
- www.lynndebilzen.com
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynndebilzen/
Hey friends, I'm Lynn Debilzen and welcome to Redraw Your Path, a podcast where I share stories of people who have made big changes in their lives and forged their own unique paths. I talk with guests about their moments of messiness, fear, and reframing on their way to where they are now. My goal is to inspire you about the shape your life could take. So let's get inspired. Hey, y'all it has been a hell of a great first year on redraw your path or first. Nine months, shall we say nine and a half, 10 months? so many lessons learned. I've drawn so much inspiration from my guests. Who've taken big risks and not been afraid to step into something new and different. And that inspiration has encouraged me. I hope it has encouraged you. I've really loved engaging with each of you and hearing back when something resonated these last 10 months. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me. And for each step you're taking in your own journey. And here's my question to you. What have you learned? What have you done differently because of listening to these conversations? What have you drawn inspiration from? I want to know. What inspired you? So I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to send me a message on LinkedIn and let me know, or shoot me an email at hello@lynndebilzen.com I really want to know what impact these 10 months of yes, I'm rounding up to 10 now. I went from nine, but then I realized. It's 10. I want to know what impact these episodes and these conversations have had. On you. so we're going to be taking a little bit of a break as we go into the new year. I have some big things coming up for me. which I'm really, really excited to share more about, And I want to give myself a little bit of space too. Process. And really take time to be creative and come back to you all, really, really refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go. what does that mean for redraw your path? I'm I'm actually not sure. we may be back in your earbuds in 2025 with more interviews with inspiring guests, because I really, really love doing the interviews and having the conversations and getting deep in there with folks. So we may be back, or I may decide to redraw my own path without redraw your path and either way I'll keep you posted and we'll drop an episode in your feed. When I have those next steps to share. in the meantime, take care of yourself, find inspiration where you can, don't be afraid to take a step towards redrawing your path, whether that's a big step or a little step. You deserve to live a life that brings you joy and contentment. Love you all. Thanks for listening to Redraw Your Path with me, Lynn Debilzen. If you like the episode, please rate and review. That helps more listeners find me. And don't be shy, reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn and sign up for my e-newsletter at redrawyourpath.com. I can't wait to share more inspiring stories with you